vSphere 8 Monitoring with Elastic Stack

I was looking after the different options offered by the Elastic Stack to monitor my homelab which is based of an VMWare vSphere with a dual node infrastructure and has it happen Elastic has released an integration for it.
During this article I will assume you are familiar with the concept of elastic-agent infrastructure and already have a dedicated agent deployed and register to your elastic stack.

Integration presentation

Elastic has introduced their elastic-agent which ingestion is based on integration. The goal is to have a unique and simple way to ingest data from external sources (logs, metrics…). Difference being the integration gather all the historical tasks of data parsing, dashbaord creation, maintenance and scaling.
For the case of this integration, it’s taking advantage of the govmomi library and embed it directly into it, so no requirements is needed which makes the integration installation pretty straight forward.

vSphere Metrics Configuration

The integration will gather the metrics from your vcenter sdk endpoint who should look something like <https://your_vcenter_fqdn/sdk>. Best practices is to create a dedicated user who will fetch periodically the metrics with limited rights.

Let’s start by creating this user :
Go to your vSphere Client Web, administration -> users & group -> Select your local Domain for me it’s “home.local”, default point out to “vsphere.local” and click the add button.
Create a dedicated user “elastic”.

Create an Elastic User

Now that the user has been created let’s create the group :
Go to your vSphere Client Web, administration -> users & group -> groups and click the “add group” button.
Create a dedicated group “vSphere-Metrics” and affect Elastic as a member.

Create dedicated group

Now both user and group has been created, let’s affect the group with associated permission to the vcenter. Go to your vSphere Client Web, Hosts & Cluster -> permissions -> click “add” at vcenter level.
Fill the permission to fit previously group. In order to limit the group rights and as I don’t have a strict security policy at home, I’m choosing the global “Read-Only” permission. Depending on your environment, you could imagine about restricting more by creating your own role and apply it to your group.

Apply group permission

vSphere Logs Configuration

When it comes to logs, vSphere integration will rely on generic logs forwarding. For this you have to configure your vSphere appliance to forward the logs to the elastic-agent TCP port (more to come).
To achieve it, go to your vSphere management console <https://your_vcenter_fqdn:5480> -> syslog -> click “edit” button.
Fill the configuration with your option, port 9525 being the default integration listening port:

vsphere syslog configuration

Integration deployment

Now that both Metrics and Logs requirements are completed, we can add the integration to our policy and configure to match previous steps:

Once saved and deployed to your elastic-agent, you should see default Kibana Metrics vSphere Dashboard automatically appear.

vSphere Metrics

Same for logs that you can find on your Kibana -> Discover and search for vsphere.log datatream :
KQL search : data_stream.dataset : “vsphere.log”

vSphere logs


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